Package 'fptdApprox'

Title: Approximation of First-Passage-Time Densities for Diffusion Processes
Description: Efficient approximation of first passage time densities for diffusion processes based on the First Passage Time Location (FPTL) function.
Authors: Patricia Roman-Roman, Juan J. Serrano-Perez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.
Maintainer: Juan J. Serrano-Perez <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 2.5
Built: 2025-03-01 06:06:50 UTC

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Approximation of First-Passage-Time Densities for Diffusion Processes


Efficient approximation of first-passage-time (f.p.t.) densities for diffusion processes based on the First-Passage-Time Location (FPTL) function.

For a complete list of functions, use library(help=“fptdApprox”).


Package: fptdApprox
Type: Package
Version: 2.4
Date: 2022-08-21
License: GPL-2
LazyLoad: yes

The fptdApprox package allows to approximate efficiently the f.p.t. density for a diffusion process through a continuous time-dependent boundary in the cases of conditioned and unconditioned f.p.t. problems.

For an unconditioned f.p.t. problem, a step by step study can be performed. First, the diffusion process under consideration must be defined by using the function diffproc. Then, the FPTL function will be used to calculate the FPTL function for the specified process and boundary. The information provided by the function is then extracted by the method summary.fptl and used to find the range of variation of the f.p.t. variable. Finally, such information is used by the function Approx.cfpt.density to obtain the approximation of the f.p.t. density.

In the general case (conditioned and unconditioned f.p.t. problems) the function Approx.fpt.density allows to obtain directly the approximate f.p.t. density.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.

Maintainer: Juan J. Serrano-Pérez, [email protected]


Buonocore, A., Nobile, A.G. and Ricciardi, L.M. (1987) A new integral equation for the evaluation of first-passage-time probability densities. Adv. Appl. Probab., 19, 784–800.

Román, P., Serrano, J. J., Torres, F. (2008) First-passage-time location function: Application to determine first-passage-time densities in diffusion processes. Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 52, 4132–4146.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2012) An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2014) More general problems on first-passage times for diffusion processes: A new version of the fptdApprox R package. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244, 432–446.

Approximating First-Passage-Time Densities for Conditioned Problems


Approx.cfpt.density computes values of the approximate first-passage-time (f.p.t.) density, for a conditioned problem, from an object of class “summary.fptl” that contains the information provided by First-Passage-Time Location (FPTL) function.


Approx.cfpt.density(sfptl, variableStep = TRUE, from.t0 = FALSE, 
                   to.T = FALSE, skip = TRUE, n = 250, p = 0.2, 
                   alpha = 1, tol = 1e-03, it.max = 50000L)



an object of class “summary.fptl”, a result of applying the summary.fptl method to an object of class “fptl”.


a logical value indicating whether a variable integration step is used.


a logical value indicating whether the approximation should be calculated from the lower end of the interval considered, t0t_0, specified in the sfptl object.


a logical value indicating whether the approximation should be calculated to the upper end of the interval considered, TT, specified in the sfptl object.


a logical value indicating whether the intervals at which the FPTL function is near zero could be avoided.


Number of points used to determine the integration step in subintervals [ti,tmax,i+][t_i^*, t_{max,i}^+] i=1,,mi=1, \ldots, m, from interesting instants provided by the FPTL function.


Ratio of n used to determine the integration step in subintervals [tmax,i+,ti+1][t_{max,i}^+, t_{i+1}^*], i=1,,mi=1, \ldots, m, [t0,t1][t_0, t_1^*] and [tmax,m+,T][t_{max,m}^{+}, T].


Parameter used to determine the integration step in subintervals [tmax,i+,ti+1][t_{max,i}^+, t_{i+1}^*], i=1,,mi=1, \ldots, m, [t0,t1][t_0, t_1^*] and [tmax,m+,T][t_{max,m}^{+}, T], in order to reduce the computational cost of approximating the f.p.t. density function in those cases where ti+1tmax,i+>>tmax,itit_{i+1}^* - t_{max,i}^+ >> t_{max,i}^{-} - \thinspace t_i^*, for some ii, t1t0>>tmax,1t1t_1^* - t_0 >> t_{max,1}^{-} - \thinspace t_1^* or Ttmax,m+>>tmax,mtmT - t_{max,m}^+ >> t_{max,m}^{-} - \thinspace t_m^*, respectively.


If the cumulative integral of the approximation is greater than or equal to 1 - tol the algorithm is stopped.


If the number of iterations required for the approximation process is greater than it.max, the function asks for permission to continue.


For a diffusion process {X(t),t0tT}\{X(t), t_0 \leq t \leq T \}, the f.p.t. variable, conditioned to X(t0)=x0X(t_0) = x_0, through a continuous boundary S(t)S(t) is defined as

TS(t),x0={Inf {tt0 : X(t)>S(t)X(t0)=x0}if x0<S(t0)Inf {tt0 : X(t)<S(t)X(t0)=x0}if x0>S(t0).T_{S(t), x_0} = \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} Inf \ \{ t \geq t_0 \ : \ X(t) > S(t) \mid X(t_0)=x_0 \} & & if \ x_0 < S(t_0) \\[7pt] Inf \ \{ t \geq t_0 \ : \ X(t) < S(t) \mid X(t_0)=x_0 \} & & if \ x_0 > S(t_0) \end{array} \right. .

Its density function is the solution to a Volterra integral equation of the second kind. The kernel of this equation depends on the infinitesimal moments of the process, the transition probability density function and the boundary.

Nevertheless, and apart from some particular processes and boundaries, closed-form solutions for the integral equation are not available. For this reason, in the cases without explicit solutions, numerical procedures are required. That is the situation considered here and the numerical procedure implemented by the Approx.fpt.density function is the one proposed by Buonocore et al. (1987), based on the composite trapezoid method.

The Approx.cfpt.density function computes efficiently the approximate f.p.t. density by using the information provided by the FPTL function contained in the sfptl object. See the function summary.fptl for details.

By default the function does not compute the approximate f.p.t. density from the time instant t0t_0, but from a more suitable time instant t1t_1^* provided by the FPTL function. It also uses a variable integration step.

The function makes an internal call to Integration.Steps function in order to determine the subintervals and integration steps to be used in the application of the numerical algorithm according to the variableStep, from.t0, to.T, n, p and alpha arguments.

In addition, if skip = TRUE, the function checks the approximate density value for each tmax,i+t_{max,i}^+, and, if it is almost 0, the application of the numerical algorithm in the subinterval [tmax,i+,ti+1][t_{max,i}^+, t_{i+1}^*] is avoided, and then continued from instant ti+1t_{i+1}^* considering a zero value of the approximate density.

Similarly, if to.T = FALSE, the function checks the cumulative value of the integral for each tmax,i+t_{max,i}^+ provided by the FPTL function and, if it is greater than or equal to 1 - tol, the numerical algorithm is stopped. In any case, the algorithm is stopped in the final tmax,i+t_{max,i}^+, and if the cumulative value of the integral is less than 1 - tol the function issues a warning.


The Approx.cfpt.density function computes and returns an object of class “fpt.density”. It is a three-component list:


a sequence of suitable time instants in [t0, T][t_0, \ T] according to the arguments in the function call.


the approximate conditioned f.p.t. density function values on the x sequence.


NULL (for consistency with the object of class “fpt.density” that produces the Approx.fpt.density function).

It also includes six additional attributes:

Call the unevaluated function call, substituting each name in this call by its value when
the latter has length 1.
Steps matrix of subintervals and integration steps to consider for computing
the approximate conditioned f.p.t. density.
cumIntegral vector of the values of the cumulative integral of the
approximation for each subinterval considered.
skips a list that contains, for each subinterval, the value 1 if the application of the
numerical algorithm has been avoided or integer(0) otherwise.
CPUTime matrix of user and system times, by columns, required to approximate
the density for each subinterval considered, by rows.
summary.fptl the object used as sfptl argument in the function call.

x is the vector result of the concatenation of the sequences of equally spaced values in the suitable subintervals determined by the Integration.Steps function.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.


Buonocore, A., Nobile, A.G. and Ricciardi, L.M. (1987) A new integral equation for the evaluation of first-passage-time probability densities. Adv. Appl. Probab., 19, 784–800.

Román, P., Serrano, J. J., Torres, F. (2008) First-passage-time location function: Application to determine first-passage-time densities in diffusion processes. Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 52, 4132–4146.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2012) An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2014) More general problems on first-passage times for diffusion processes: A new version of the fptdApprox R package. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244, 432–446.

See Also

summary.fptl to locate the f.p.t. variable and create objects of class “summary.fptl”.

is.fpt.density to test for objects of class “fpt.density”.

print.fpt.density to show objects of class “fpt.density”.

report.fpt.density to generate a report.

plot.fpt.density for graphical display.

FPTL to evaluate the FPTL function and create objects of class “fptl”.


## Continuing the summary.fptl(.) example:

## Making an efficient approximation of the f.p.t. density 
## (optimal variable integration steps and small computational cost)
yyy <- Approx.cfpt.density(yy)

zzz <- Approx.cfpt.density(zz)

## Making a less efficient approximation of the f.p.t. density 
## (optimal fixed integration step but high computational cost related to 
##  the efficient approximation)
## Not run: 
yyy1 <- Approx.cfpt.density(yy, variableStep = FALSE, from.t0 = TRUE, to.T = 
                         TRUE, skip = FALSE)
## End(Not run)

Approximating First-Passage-Time Densities


Approx.fpt.density computes values of the approximate first-passage-time (f.p.t.) density, for conditioned and unconditioned problems.

For the unconditioned case, values of the approximate densities for f.p.t. problems conditioned to suitable values of the initial distribution are also calculated.


Approx.fpt.density(dp, t0, T, id, S, env = NULL, variableStep = TRUE, 
                   from.t0 = FALSE, to.T = FALSE, r = 4000, zeroSlope = 0.01, 
                   p0.tol = 8, k = 3, m = 100, n = 250, p = 0.2, alpha = 1, 
                   skip = TRUE, tol = 0.001, it.max)



an object of class “diffproc” defining a family of diffusion processes.

t0, T

lower and upper limits of the considered time interval. Must be finite.


a numerical value specifying a fixed initial value of the process in the time instant specified in the t0 argument (for a conditioned f.p.t. problem), or a four-component list specifying the initial distribution of the process (for an unconditioned f.p.t. problem). In the last case the first component is the R mathematical expression of the density as a character string, the second one is a label to denote the distribution in the reports generated by the report method, the third one is the label to denote the distribution for LaTeX, and the four one is a label to denote the distribution in the graphs generated by the plot method.


numerical value of a constant boundary or character string with the mathematical expression of a time dependent boundary.


a named list of objects of numeric or character type specifying the values of names which occur in the mathematical expressions in objects dp and S, or of names which occur in the specification of the previous values. Defaults to NULL, interpreted as an empty list. It is copied into a temporary environment for evaluating the mathematical expressions in the dp object and S.


a logical value indicating whether a variable integration step is used.


a logical value indicating whether the approximation should be calculated from the lower end of the interval considered, t0t_0.


a logical value indicating whether the approximation should be calculated to the upper end of the interval considered, TT.


number of points at which the FPTL function is evaluated.


maximum slope required to consider that a growing function is constant.


controls where the First-Passage-Time Location function begins to increase significantly.


controls whether the First-Passage-Time Location function decreases very slowly.


Number of equally spaced values to select from the specified initial distribution in the case of an unconditioned f.p.t. problem.


Number of points used to determine the integration step in subintervals [ti,tmax,i+][t_i^*, t_{max,i}^+] i=1,,mi=1, \ldots, m, from interesting instants provided by the FPTL function.


Ratio of n used to determine the integration step in subintervals [tmax,i+,ti+1][t_{max,i}^+, t_{i+1}^*], i=1,,mi=1, \ldots, m, [t0,t1][t_0, t_1^*] and [tmax,m+,T][t_{max,m}^{+}, T].


Parameter used to determine the integration step in subintervals [tmax,i+,ti+1][t_{max,i}^+, t_{i+1}^*], i=1,,mi=1, \ldots, m, [t0,t1][t_0, t_1^*] and [tmax,m+,T][t_{max,m}^{+}, T], in order to reduce the computational cost of approximating the f.p.t. density function in those cases where ti+1tmax,i+>>tmax,itit_{i+1}^* - t_{max,i}^+ >> t_{max,i}^{-} - \thinspace t_i^*, for some ii, t1t0>>tmax,1t1t_1^* - t_0 >> t_{max,1}^{-} - \thinspace t_1^* or Ttmax,m+>>tmax,mtmT - t_{max,m}^+ >> t_{max,m}^{-} - \thinspace t_m^*, respectively.


a logical value indicating whether the intervals at which the FPTL function is near zero could be avoided.


If the cumulative integral of the approximation is greater than or equal to 1 - tol the algorithm is stopped.


If the number of iterations required for the approximation process is greater than it.max, the function asks for permission to continue. Defaults to 50000 for a conditioned f.p.t. problem, and 1000000 for an unconditioned f.p.t. problem.


For an unconditioned f.p.t. problem, this function allows to compute directly the approximate f.p.t. density from an object of class “diffproc”. In contrast to the approximation of a conditioned f.p.t. density by using the Approx.cfpt.density function, in this case it is not necessary for users to make previous calls to the functions FPTL and summary.FPTL.

For a diffusion process {X(t),t0tT}\{X(t), t_0 \leq t \leq T \} with non-degenerate initial distribution the unconditioned f.p.t. variable, through a continuous boundary S(t)S(t), is defined as

TS(t),X(t0)={Inf {tt0 : X(t)>S(t)}if X(t0)<S(t0)Inf {tt0 : X(t)<S(t)}if X(t0)>S(t0),T_{S(t), X(t_0)} = \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} Inf \ \{ t \geq t_0 \ : \ X(t) > S(t) \} & & if \ X(t_0) < S(t_0) \\[7pt] Inf \ \{ t \geq t_0 \ : \ X(t) < S(t) \} & & if \ X(t_0) > S(t_0) \end{array} \right. ,

Its density function can be obtained by means of the numerical integration, in the range of variation of X(t0)X(t_0), of the corresponding f.p.t. densities conditioned to values of X(t0)X(t_0), weighted by the initial density function.

For each conditioned problem related to an unconditioned f.p.t. problem, the Approx.fpt.density function makes internal calls to FPTL and summary.fptl functions, in order to localize each conditioned f.p.t. variable, according to the zeroSlope, p0.tol and k arguments. Then, the function makes a internall call to Integration.Steps function, in order to determine the suitable subintervals and integration steps to be used to approximate the unconditioned f.p.t. density and conditioned f.p.t. densities according to the variableStep, from.t0, to.T, n, p and alpha arguments.

From this information, a suitable sequence of time instants in [t0,T][t_0, T] for the approximation of the f.p.t. densities is available. For each time instant t in such sequence, the Approx.fpt.density function computes the value of the f.p.t. density conditioned to m values of the initial distribution (equally spaced in its range of variation), and then it computes the value of the unconditioned f.p.t density.

For the approximation of each conditioned f.p.t density, the numerical procedure proposed by Buonocore et al. (1987), based on the composite trapezoid method, has been implemented. This method has also been used in the numerical integration for obtaining the unconditioned f.p.t. density.

The mathematical expression of the boundary S should be a function of tt and may include the argument t0, the name x0, to refer to an initial value of the process, and the parameters specified in the env argument. The function checks if the mathematical expression shows syntax errors and if R can compute its symbolic derivative with respect to tt.

The env argument is a list of tagged values in name = value form with name other than xx, tt, yy and ss. To name the expression of a function h(u)h(u) as a character string we can use `h(u)` = value if we want to show its dependence on uu, or h = value otherwise.

The env argument is copied into a temporary environment for evaluating the mathematical expressions in objects dp and S. R looks for the objects not found into this temporary environment in the parent.frame() environment.

By default the function does not compute the approximate f.p.t. density from the time instant t0t_0, but from a more suitable time instant provided by the First-Passage-Time Location (FPTL) function. It also uses a variable integration step.

If skip = TRUE, for each subinterval in which it could be possible to avoid calculating all the conditioned f.p.t. densities, the function checks the value of the approximate unconditioned f.p.t. density at the lower end of such subinterval. If it is almost 0, the approximate unconditioned f.p.t. density calculation is avoided in the subinterval, and it continues from the upper end of the subinterval considering a zero value of the approximate unconditioned f.p.t. density.

Similarly, if to.T = FALSE, the function checks the cumulative value of the integral for each upper end of the subintervals for which it is not possible to avoid the application of the numerical algorithm for each conditioned problem. If it is greater than or equal to 1 - tol, the approximation procedure is stopped. In any case, the procedure is stopped at the upper end of the last subinterval, and if the cumulative value of the integral is less than 1 - tol the function issues a warning.


The Approx.fpt.density function computes and returns an object of class “fpt.density”. This object is a three-component list:


a sequence of suitable time instants in [t0, T][t_0, \ T] according to the arguments in the function call.


the approximate f.p.t. density function values on the x sequence for the unconditioned or conditioned problem at hand.


NULL for a conditioned f.p.t. problem or a matrix with the values, by columns, of the approximate f.p.t. densities conditioned to each considered value x0x_0 selected from the initial distribution for an unconditioned f.p.t. problem.

It also includes six additional attributes:

Call the unevaluated function call, substituting each object of length 1 (referred
by name in call) by its value.
Steps matrix of subintervals and integration steps to consider for computing the
approximate f.p.t. density.
cumIntegral vector of the values of the cumulative integral of the approximation for
each subinterval considered.
skips a list that contains, for each subinterval, the indexes of the initial values
for which the calculation of the approximate conditioned f.p.t. densities
has been avoided.
CPUTime matrix of user and system times, by columns, required to approximate
the density for each subinterval considered, by rows.
summary.fptl the object of class “summary.fptl” that results in the internal calls to the
summary.fptl function which is used as sfptl argument in the internal
call to the Integration.Steps function.

x is the vector result of the concatenation of the sequences of equally spaced values in the suitable subintervals determined by the Integration.Steps function.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.


Buonocore, A., Nobile, A.G. and Ricciardi, L.M. (1987) A new integral equation for the evaluation of first-passage-time probability densities. Adv. Appl. Probab., 19, 784–800.

Román, P., Serrano, J. J., Torres, F. (2008) First-passage-time location function: Application to determine first-passage-time densities in diffusion processes. Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 52, 4132–4146.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2012) An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2014) More general problems on first-passage times for diffusion processes: A new version of the fptdApprox R package. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244, 432–446.

See Also

diffproc about creation of class “diffproc” objects.

is.fpt.density to test for objects of class “fpt.density”.

print.fpt.density to show objects of class “fpt.density”.

report.fpt.density to generate a report.

plot.fpt.density for graphical display.

FPTL to evaluate the FPTL function and create objects of class “fptl”.

summary.fptl to locate the f.p.t. variable and create objects of class “summary.fptl”.


## Continuing the diffproc(.) example:

## Making an efficient approximation of the f.p.t. density
## in the case of a conditioned f.p.t. problem. (optimal 
## variable integration steps and small computational cost)
yyy.cp <- Approx.fpt.density(dp = Lognormal, t0 = 0, T = 18, id = 1, S = 
                        "4.5 + 4*t^2 + 7*t*sqrt(t)*sin(6*sqrt(t))", 
                        env = list(m = 0.48, sigma = 0.07))

## Not run: 
## Making a less efficient approximation of the f.p.t. density 
## (optimal fixed integration step but high computational cost related to 
##  the efficient approximation)
yyy1.cp <- Approx.fpt.density(dp = Lognormal, t0 = 0, T = 18, id = 1, S = 
                        "4.5 + 4*t^2 + 7*t*sqrt(t)*sin(6*sqrt(t))", 
                        env = list(m = 0.48, sigma = 0.07), 
                        variableStep = FALSE, from.t0 = TRUE, to.T = 
                        TRUE, skip = FALSE)

## Making an efficient approximation of the f.p.t. density 
## in the case of an unconditioned f.p.t. problem.
yyy.ucp <- Approx.fpt.density(dp = Lognormal, t0 = 0, T = 18, id = 
                list("dlnorm(x,-0.005,0.1)", "Lambda(-0.005,0.1)", 
                "\\Lambda(-0.005,0.1)", "Lognormal(-0.005,0.1)"),
                S = "4.5 + 4*t^2 + 7*t*sqrt(t)*sin(6*sqrt(t))", 
                env = list(m = 0.48, sigma = 0.07), m=25)                 
## End(Not run)

Diffusion Processes


diffproc creates an object of class “diffproc” from the given set of values.

as.diffproc attempts to turn its argument into an object of class “diffproc”.

is.diffproc tests if its argument is an object of class “diffproc”.

print shows an object of class “diffproc”.



## S3 method for class 'diffproc'
print(x, ...)



a character vector or list of length four to be coerced, containing the infinitesimal mean, infinitesimal variance, transition probability density function and transition probability distribution function of a diffusion process.


an R object to be tested.


an object of class “diffproc”.


additional arguments potentially passed (currently none is considered).


The main goal of the diffproc function is to validate the mathematical expressions in the given character string vector or list. If no errors happen, the function converts the input into an object of class “diffproc”. Otherwise, the function reports the errors.

The mathematical expressions of the infinitesimal mean and variance should be expressions in xx and tt, A1(x,t)A_1(x,t) and A2(x,t)A_2(x,t), respectively.

The mathematical expressions of the transition probability density and distribution functions should be expressions in xx, tt, yy and ss, f(x,ty,s)f(x,t|y,s) and F(x,ty,s)F(x,t|y,s), respectively.

In addition, all mathematical expressions may depend on generic parameters and functions of tt, or ss and tt, referred by name. To name the expression of a function h(u)h(u) we can use `h(u)` = value if we want to show its dependence on uu, or h otherwise.

The function checks if the mathematical expressions show syntax errors and if R can compute the symbolic derivative with respect to xx for the infinitesimal variance and transition probability density function.


If possible, this function returns an object of class “diffproc” that defines a family of diffusion processes. It is a four-component list:


character of length 1 with the mathematical expression of the infinitesimal mean of the process.


character of length 1 with the mathematical expression of the infinitesimal variance of the process.


character of length 1 with the mathematical expression of the transition probability density function of the process.


character of length 1 with the mathematical expression of the transition probability distribution function of the process.

is.diffproc returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether its argument is an object of class “diffproc” or not.


The transition probability density functions specified by the dnorm function should be expressed in terms of the standard normal distribution, since only its derivative is considered in R.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.


P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2012) An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2014) More general problems on first-passage times for diffusion processes: A new version of the fptdApprox R package. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244, 432–446.

See Also

D to know more about the simple functions and expressions that support symbolic derivative in R, and in particular about the functions provided in R to evaluate probability density functions.

FPTL to locate the first-passage-time of a diffusion process through a continuous boundary.


## Creating a diffproc object for the lognormal diffusion process
x <- c("m*x", "sigma^2*x^2",
       (sigma*sqrt(t-s)*x)", "plnorm(x,log(y)+(m-sigma^2/2)*(t-s),

Lognormal <- diffproc(x)

## Creating a diffproc object for the Ornstein Uhlenbeck diffusion process
x <- c("alpha*x + beta", "sigma^2", "dnorm((x-(y*exp(alpha*(t-s))-beta*
       (1-exp(alpha*(t-s)))/alpha))/(sigma*sqrt((exp(2*alpha*(t-s)) - 1)/
       (2*alpha))),0,1)/(sigma*sqrt((exp(2*alpha*(t-s)) - 1)/(2*alpha)))",
       "pnorm(x, y*exp(alpha*(t-s)) - beta*(1 - exp(alpha*(t-s)))/alpha,
       sigma*sqrt((exp(2*alpha*(t-s)) - 1)/(2*alpha)))")
OU <- diffproc(x)

## Creating a diffproc object for the lognormal diffusion process with exogenous factors
x <- c("`h(t)`*x", "sigma^2*x^2", "dnorm((log(x)-(log(y)+`H(s,t)`-(sigma^2/2)*
       (t - s)))/(sigma*sqrt(t-s)),0,1)/(sigma*sqrt(t-s)*x)", "plnorm(x,log(y)+
LognormalFEx <- diffproc(x)

## Testing diffproc objects

First-Passage-Time Location Function


FPTL computes values of the First-Passage-Time Location (FPTL) function of a diffusion process for a continuous boundary.

is.fptl tests if its argument is an object of class “fptl”.

print.fptl shows an object of class “fptl”.


FPTL(dp, t0, T, x0, S, env = NULL, n = 4000)


## S3 method for class 'fptl'
print(x, ...)



an object of class “diffproc” defining a family of diffusion processes.


an R object to be tested.


an object of class “fptl”, a result of a call to this function.

t0, T

lower and upper limits of the considered time interval. Must be finite.


fixed initial value of process in the time instant specified in the t0 argument.


numerical value of a constant boundary or character string with the mathematical expression of a time-dependent boundary.


a named list of objects of numeric or character type specifying the values of names which occur in the mathematical expressions in objects dp and S, or of names which occur in the specification of the previous values. Defaults to NULL, interpreted as an empty list.


number of points at which the FPTL function is evaluated.


additional arguments potentially passed (currently none is considered).


The FPTL function for the problem of the first-passage-time of a diffusion process {X(t),t0tT}\{X(t), t_0 \leq t \leq T \}, conditioned to X(t0)=x0X(t_0) = x_0, through a continuous boundary S(t)S(t) is defined as

FPTL(t)={P[X(t)>S(t)X(t0)=x0]=1F(S(t),tx0,t0)if x0<S(t0)P[X(t)<S(t)X(t0)=x0]=F(S(t),tx0,t0)if x0>S(t0),FPTL(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} P[ X(t)>S(t) \, | \, X(t_0)=x_0] = 1 - F(S(t),t \, | \, x_0,t_0) & & if \ x_0 < S(t_0) \\[7pt] P[ X(t)<S(t) \, | \, X(t_0)=x_0] = F(S(t),t \, | \, x_0,t_0) & & if \ x_0 > S(t_0) \end{array} \right. ,

where F(x,ty,s)F(x,t|y,s) is the transition probability distribution function of the process.

Initially, the FPTL function is evaluated at a sequence of n equally spaced values from t0 to T. Then the FPTL function makes an internal call to the growth.intervals function in order to study the growth of the evaluation vector. Finally, the FPTL function is evaluated at a more adequate sequence of values from t0 to T according to the abovementioned study.

The mathematical expression of the boundary S should be a function of tt and may include arguments t0, x0 and the parameters specified in the env argument. The FPTL function checks if the mathematical expression shows syntax errors and if R can compute its symbolic derivative with respect to tt.

The env argument is a list of tagged values in name = value form with name other than xx, tt, yy and ss. To name the expression of a function h(u)h(u) as a character string we can use `h(u)` = value if we want to show its dependence on uu, or h = value otherwise.

The env argument is copied into a temporary environment for evaluating the mathematical expressions in objects dp and S. R looks for the objects not found into this temporary environment in the parent.frame() environment.


The function FPTL computes and returns an object of class “fptl”. It is a two-component list:


a sequence of n values from t0 to T.


the corresponding values of the FPTL function for the x sequence.

It also includes three additional attributes:

Call the unevaluated function call, substituting each name in this call for its value when
the latter has length 1.
dp the object used as dp argument in the function call.
vars NULL or a list containing the values of names in the function call for those names
with values of length greater than 1.

is.fptl returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether its argument is an object of class “fptl” or not.

Since n is usually large, the print.fptl function does not display an object of class “fptl” as a list, but in its ‘basic’ structure instead. However, each component can be displayed separately in the usual way.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.


Román, P., Serrano, J. J., Torres, F. (2008) First-passage-time location function: Application to determine first-passage-time densities in diffusion processes. Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 52, 4132–4146.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2012) An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2014) More general problems on first-passage times for diffusion processes: A new version of the fptdApprox R package. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244, 432–446.

See Also

diffproc about creation of class “diffproc” objects.

summary.fptl for summaries and plot.fptl for graphical display.


## Continuing the diffproc(.) examples:

## Specifying a boundary
b <- "4.5 + 4*t^2 + 7*t*sqrt(t)*sin(6*sqrt(t))"

## Computing FPTL functions and creating objects of class fptl
y <- FPTL(dp = Lognormal, t0 = 0, T = 18, x0 = 1, S = b, env = list(m = 0.48,
          sigma = 0.07))

z <- FPTL(dp = LognormalFEx, t0 = 1, T = 10, x0 = 1, S = 15, env = list(sigma=0.1, 
          `h(t)` = "t/4", `H(s,t)` = "(t^2-s^2)/8"))
## Testing fptl objects

Studying the Growth of a Vector


For the vector of values resulting from the evaluation of a function, this function determines the positions of the values between which the vector grows.


growth.intervals(x, y, zeroSlope = 0.01)



a vector of values.


the vector of the corresponding values of a function for the x vector.


maximum slope (in degrees) required to consider that a growing function is constant.


The growth.intervals function ignores the pairs of values between which the vector y starts and stops growing if the slope is less than zeroSlope.


This function returns NULL if the vector y is not growing. Otherwise, the function computes a matrix of indexes with two columns. The first column contains the positions of the values from which the vector y starts growing and the second column those at which the vector y stops growing.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.


u <- seq(0, 5, length = 200)
v <- sin(u)
w <- growth.intervals(u, v)

plot(u, v, type = "l", las = 1)
abline(v = u[as.vector(w)])

## Continuing the FPTL(.) examples:

growth.intervals(y$x, y$y)
growth.intervals(y$x, y$y, zeroSlope = 0.001)

Subintervals and Integration Steps To Approximate First-Passage-Time Densities


According to the First-Passage-Time Location (FPTL) function and the arguments in the function call, this function calculates suitable subintervals and integration steps in order to approximate the first-passage-time (f.p.t.) density.


Integration.Steps(sfptl, variableStep = TRUE, from.t0 = FALSE,
                  to.T = FALSE, n = 250, p = 0.2, alpha = 1)



an object of class “summary.fptl”.


a logical value indicating whether a variable integration step is used.


a logical value indicating whether the approximation should be calculated from the lower end of the interval considered, t0t_0, specified in the object used as sfptl argument.


a logical value indicating whether the approximation should be calculated to the upper end of the interval considered, TT, specified in the object used as sfptl argument.


Number of points used to determine the integration step in subintervals [ti,tmax,i+][t_i^*, t_{max,i}^+], i=1,,mi=1, \ldots, m, from interesting instants provided by the FPTL function.


Ratio of n used to determine the integration step in subintervals [tmax,i+,ti+1][t_{max,i}^+, t_{i+1}^*], i=1,,mi=1, \ldots, m, [t0,t1][t_0, t_1^*] and [tmax,m+,T][t_{max,m}^{+}, T].


Parameter used to determine the integration step in subintervals [tmax,i+,ti+1][t_{max,i}^+, t_{i+1}^*], i=1,,mi=1, \ldots, m, [t0,t1][t_0, t_1^*] and [tmax,m+,T][t_{max,m}^{+}, T], in order to reduce the computational cost of approximating the f.p.t. density function in those cases where ti+1tmax,i+>>tmax,itit_{i+1}^* - t_{max,i}^+ >> t_{max,i}^{-} - \, t_i^*, for some ii, t1t0>>tmax,1t1t_1^* - t_0 >> t_{max,1}^{-} - \thinspace t_1^* or Ttmax,m+>>tmax,mtmT - t_{max,m}^+ >> t_{max,m}^{-} - \, t_m^*, respectively.


Based on the information provided by the FPTL function contained in the sfptl object, this function computes and returns suitable subintervals and integration steps in order to approximate the density function of the f.p.t. variable according to the other arguments in the function call.

When the sfptl object is of length greater than 1, it comes from an unconditioned f.p.t. problem. Each component is associated with the same f.p.t. problem conditioned on different values of the initial distribution (equally spaced in the range of the distribution). Let x0,jx_{0,j}, j=1,,Nj=1, \ldots, N, these values. For each initial value x0,jx_{0,j} let ti,jt_{i,j}^*, tmax,i,jt_{max,i,j}^- and tmax,i,j+t_{max,i,j}^+, i=1, mji=1,\ldots \ m_j, the interesting time instants provided by the FPTL function and stored in the instants component of the j-th list in the sfptl object. Then, the time instants {ti,j,i=1,2,,2mj}\{t_{i,j}, i=1, 2, \ldots, 2m_j \}, where

ti,j={t(i+1)/2,jfor i oddtmax,i/2,j+for i even,t_{i,j} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} t_{(i+1)/2, \, j}^* & for \ i \ odd \\[7pt] t_{max, \, i/2, \thinspace j}^+ & for \ i \ even \end{array} \right. ,

provide a suitable partition of interval [t0,T][t_0, T] to approximate the f.p.t density for the fixed value x0,jx_{0,j} of the initial distribution.

If the sfptl object is of length 1, it comes from a conditioned f.p.t. problem. In this case we denote the interesting time instants provided by the FPTL function and stored in the sfptl object by ti,1t_{i,1}^*, tmax,i,1t_{max,i,1}^- and tmax,i,1+t_{max,i,1}^+.

In what follows, x\lceil x \rceil is the integer part of xx.

For each list in the sfptl object the function computes

hi,j=tmax,i,j+ti,jni,j,i=1,,mj,h_{i,j} = \displaystyle{\frac{t_{max,i,j}^{+} - \, t_{i,j}^*}{n_{i,j}}} , i=1, \ldots, m_j,


ni,j=nki,jn_{i,j} = \lceil n \, k_{i,j} \rceil


ki,j=tmax,i,j+ti,jtmax,i,jti,j .k_{i,j} = \displaystyle{\frac{t_{max,i,j}^+ - t_{i,j}^{*}}{t_{max,i,j}^{-} - \, t_{i,j}^*}} \ .

If variableStep = TRUE, for 0<p0 < p and α1\alpha \leq 1, also computes

  • hi,j=ti+1,jtmax,i,j+ni,j,i=1,,mj1,h_{i,j}^* = \displaystyle{\frac{t_{i+1,j}^* - t_{max,i,j}^+}{n_{i,j}^*}} , i=1, \ldots, m_j-1, where

    ni,j={npki,jif ki,j1npki,jαif ki,j>1n_{i,j}^* = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} \lceil n \, p \, k_{i,j}^* \rceil & if \ k_{i,j}^* \leq 1 \\[7pt] \lceil n \, p \, {k_{i,j}^{*}}^{\alpha} \rceil & if \ k_{i,j}^* > 1 \end{array} \right.


    ki,j=ti+1,jtmax,i,j+tmax,i,jti,j .k_{i,j}^* = \displaystyle{\frac{t_{i+1,j}^* - \, t_{max,i,j}^+}{t_{max,i,j}^{-} - \, t_{i,j}^*}} \ .

    If hi,j<hi,jh_{i,j}^* < h_{i,j}, we then set tmax,i,j+t_{max,i,j}^+ equal to ti+1,jt_{i+1,j}^* and hi,jh_{i,j} is recalculated.

  • h0,j=t1,jt0n0,j,h_{0,j}^* = \displaystyle{\frac{t_{1,j}^* - t_0}{n_{0,j}^*}} , where

    n0,j={npk0,jif k0,j1npk0,jαif k0,j>1n_{0,j}^* = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} \lceil n \, p \, k_{0,j}^* \rceil & if \ k_{0,j}^* \leq 1 \\[7pt] \lceil n \, p \, {k_{0,j}^{*}}^{\alpha} \rceil & if \ k_{0,j}^* > 1 \end{array} \right.


    k0,j=t1,jt0tmax,1,jt1,j ,k_{0,j}^* = \displaystyle{\frac{t_{1,j}^* - \, t_0}{t_{max,1,j}^{-} - \, t_{1,j}^*}} \ ,

    when the sfptl object is of length 1 and from.t0 = TRUE, or the sfptl object is of length greater than 1.

    If h0,j<h1,jh_{0,j}^* < h_{1,j}, we then set t1,jt_{1,j}^* equal to t0t_0 and h1,jh_{1,j} is recalculated.

  • hmj,j=Ttmax,mj,j+nmj,j,h_{m_j,j}^* = \displaystyle{\frac{T - \, t_{max,m_j,j}^+}{n_{m_j,j}^*}} , where

    nmj,j={npkmj,jif kmj,j1npkmj,jαif kmj,j>1n_{m_j,j}^* = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} \lceil n \, p \, k_{m_j,j}^* \rceil & if \ k_{m_j,j}^* \leq 1 \\[7pt] \lceil n \, p \, {k_{m_j,j}^{*}}^{\alpha} \rceil & if \ k_{m_j,j}^* > 1 \end{array} \right.


    kmj,j=Ttmax,mj,j+tmax,mj,jtmj,j ,k_{m_j,j}^* = \displaystyle{\frac{T - \, t_{max,m_j,j}^+}{t_{max,m_j,j}^{-} - \, t_{m_j,j}^*}} \ ,

    when the sfptl object is of length 1 and to.T = TRUE, or the sfptl object is of length greater than 1.

    If hmj,j<hmj,jh_{m_j,j}^* < h_{m_j,j}, we then set tmax,mj,j+t_{max,m_j,j}^+ equal to TT and hmj,jh_{m_j,j} is recalculated.

p0.1p \geq 0.1 and 0.75α10.75 \leq \alpha \leq 1 are recommended; otherwise, some integration steps can be excessively large.

If the sfptl object is of length 1 (conditioned f.p.t. problem), the suitable subintervals and integration steps that the function provides are:

  • If variableStep = TRUE,

    • hi,1h_{i,1} in subintervals [ti,1,tmax,i,1+][t_{i,1}^*, t_{max,i,1}^+], i=1,,m1i=1, \ldots, m_1.

    • hi,1h_{i,1}^* in subintervals [tmax,i,1+,ti+1,1][t_{max,i,1}^+, t_{i+1,1}^*], i=1,,m11i=1, \ldots, m_1-1. In these subintervals is possible to avoid applying the numerical algorithm to approximate the f.p.t. density provided that the value of the approximate density at the time instant tmax,i,1+t_{max,i,1}^+ is almost 0.

    • h0,1h_{0,1}^* in subinterval [t0,t1,1][t_0, t_{1,1}^*], if from.t0 = TRUE.

    • hm1,1h_{m_1,1}^* in subinterval [tmax,m1,1+,T][t_{max,m_1,1}^{+}, T], if to.T = TRUE.

  • If variableStep = FALSE the function computes

    h=min{hi,1 , i=1,,m1}.h = min \left\{ h_{i,1} \ , \ i=1, \ldots, m_1 \right\} \thinspace .


    • If from.t0 = FALSE and to.T = FALSE, hh is readjusted to exactly split the interval [t1,1,tmax,m1,1+][t_{1,1}^*, t_{max,m_1,1}^+].

    • If from.t0 = TRUE and to.T = FALSE, hh is readjusted to exactly split the interval [t0,tmax,m1,1+][t_0, t_{max,m_1,1}^+].

    • If from.t0 = FALSE and to.T = TRUE, hh is readjusted to exactly split the interval [t1,1,T][t_{1,1}^*, T].

    • If from.t0 = TRUE and to.T = TRUE, hh is readjusted to exactly split the interval [t0,T][t_0, T].

    hh is a suitable fixed integration step in subintervals [ti,1,tmax,i,1+][t_{i,1}^*, t_{max,i,1}^+], i=1,,m1i=1, \ldots, m_1, and [tmax,i,1+,[t_{max,i,1}^+, ti+1,1]t_{i+1,1}^*], i=1,,m11i=1, \ldots, m_1-1; in subintervals [t0,t1,1][t_0, t_{1,1}^*] if from.t0 = TRUE, and in [tmax,m1,1+,T][t_{max,m_1,1}^{+}, T] if to.T = TRUE. The endpoints of such subintervals are readjusted according to this integration step.

If the sfptl object is a list of length greater than 1 (unconditioned f.p.t problem), a common partition of the interval [t0,T][t_0, T] is calculated from the suitable partitions of this interval for each fixed value of the initial distribution.

Let, in unified form, Hr,jH_{r,j}, r=1,,2mj+1r=1, \ldots, 2m_j+1, the suitable integration steps (calculated for each jj in similar manner to the case of the sfptl object is of length 1) in subintervals Ir,j=[tr1,j,tr,j]I_{r,j} = [t_{r-1,j}, t_{r,j}], with t0,j=t0t_{0,j}=t_0 and t2mj+1,j=Tt_{2m_j+1,j} = T, j=1,,Nj=1, \ldots, N. Then, the ordered values of all time instants in the suitable partitions, t(1),,t(M)t_{(1)}, \ldots, t_{(M)}, provide a common suitable partition of the interval [t0,T][t_0, T] in subintervals [t(i1),t(i)][t_{(i-1)}, t_{(i)}], i=1,,M ⁣+ ⁣1i=1, \ldots, M \negthinspace + \negthinspace 1, where t(0)=t0t_{(0)} = t_0 and t(M ⁣+ ⁣1)=Tt_{(M \negthinspace + \negthinspace 1)} = T.

For this partition, the function computes

  • Hi=min{Hr,j:j=1,,N, and [t(i1),t(i)]Ir,j}, i=2,,M.H_{i} = min \, \{ H_{r,j} : j=1, \ldots, N, \ and \ [t_{(i-1)}, t_{(i)}] \subseteq I_{r,j} \} , \ i=2, \ldots, M.

  • H1=min{Hr,j:j=1,,N, and [t0,t(1)]Ir,j}H_{1} = min \, \{ H_{r,j} : j=1, \ldots, N, \ and \ [t_0, t_{(1)}] \subseteq I_{r,j} \}, if from.t0 = TRUE.

  • HM ⁣+ ⁣1=min{Hr,j:j=1,,N, and [t(M),T]Ir,j}H_{M \negthinspace + \negthinspace 1} = min \, \{ H_{r,j} : j=1, \ldots, N, \ and \ [t_{(M)}, T] \subseteq I_{r,j} \}, if to.T = TRUE.


  • If variableStep = TRUE, the suitable subintervals and integrations steps that the function provides are

    • HiH_i in subintervals [t(i1),t(i)][t_{(i-1)}, t_{(i)}], i=2,,Mi=2, \ldots, M.

    • H1H_1 in subinterval [t0,t(1)][t_0, t_{(1)}], if from.t0 = TRUE.

    • HM ⁣+ ⁣1H_{M \negthinspace + \negthinspace 1} in subinterval [t(M),T][t_{(M)}, T], if to.T = TRUE.

    Each integration step is readjusted to exactly split the corresponding subinterval.

  • If variableStep = FALSE, a suitable fixed integration step for any subinterval [t(i1),t(i)][t_{(i-1)}, t_{(i)}] is

    h=min{Hi:i=1,,M ⁣+ ⁣1}.h = min \left\{ H_{i} : i=1, \ldots, M \negthinspace + \negthinspace 1 \right\}.

    In this case it is not possible to avoid applying the approximation algorithm in [t(i1),t(i)]  i=1,,M ⁣+ ⁣1[t_{(i-1)}, t_{(i)}] \ \forall \ i=1, \ldots, M \negthinspace + \negthinspace 1.


    • If from.t0 = FALSE and to.T = FALSE, hh is readjusted to exactly split the interval [t(1),t(M)][t_{(1)}, t_{(M)}].

    • If from.t0 = TRUE and to.T = FALSE, hh is readjusted to exactly split the interval [t0,t(M)][t_0, t_{(M)}].

    • If from.t0 = FALSE and to.T = TRUE, hh is readjusted to exactly split the interval [t(1),T][t_{(1)}, T].

    • If from.t0 = TRUE and to.T = TRUE, hh is readjusted to exactly split the interval [t0,T][t_0, T].

    hh is a suitable fixed integration step in subintervals [t(i1),t(i)][t_{(i-1)}, t_{(i)}], i=2,,Mi=2, \ldots, M, in subintervals [t0,t(1)][t_0, t_{(1)}] if from.t0 = TRUE, and in [t(M),T][t_{(M)}, T] if to.T = TRUE. The endpoints of such subintervals are readjusted according to this integration step.


A two-component list:


A matrix of subintervals and integrations steps that we must consider in order to approximate the f.p.t. density according to the information contained in the sfptl object and the arguments in the function call.


A list of logical vectors indicating, for each subinterval, the values of the initial distribution for which we must check whether it is possible to avoid applying the numerical algorithm.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.


Román, P., Serrano, J. J., Torres, F. (2008) First-passage-time location function: Application to determine first-passage-time densities in diffusion processes. Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 52, 4132–4146.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2012) An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2014) More general problems on first-passage times for diffusion processes: A new version of the fptdApprox R package. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244, 432–446.

See Also

Approx.fpt.density to approximate f.p.t. densities from objects of class “summary.fptl” and create objects of class “fpt.density”.

summary.fptl to locate the f.p.t. variable and create objects of class “summary.fptl” from objects of class “fptl”.

FPTL to evaluate the FPTL function and create objects of class “fptl”.


## Continuing the summary.fptl(.) example:

Integration.Steps(yy, from.t0 = TRUE)
Integration.Steps(yy, to.T = TRUE, n = 100, p = 0.25)


Testing for objects of class “fpt.density”


is.fpt.density tests if its argument is an object of class “fpt.density”.





an R object to be tested.


is.fpt.density returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether its argument is an object of class “fpt.density” or not.

An object of class “fpt.density” is a three-component list:


a sequence of suitable time instants in [t0, T][t_0, \ T] according to the arguments in the function call.


the approximate f.p.t. density function values on the x sequence for the unconditioned or conditioned problem at hand.


NULL for a conditioned f.p.t. problem or a matrix with the values, by columns, of the approximate f.p.t. densities conditioned to each considered value x0x_0 of the initial ditribution for an unconditioned f.p.t. problem.

It also includes six additional attributes. For more details, see the values of Approx.cfpt.density and Approx.fpt.density functions.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.


P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2012) An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2014) More general problems on first-passage times for diffusion processes: A new version of the fptdApprox R package. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244, 432–446.


## Testing fpt.density objects

## Continuing the Approx.cfpt.density example:

## Continuing the Approx.fpt.density example:
## Not run: 
## End(Not run)

Plotting Method for fpt.density Objects


This function creates a plot of the approximate density function for the conditioned or unconditioned f.p.t. problem at hand. Optionally, it displays the information provided by the First-Passage-Time Location (FPTL) function for a conditioned problem. Moreover, for an unconditioned problem creates an additional plot with all the approximate f.p.t. densities conditioned to each value x0x_0 selected from the initial ditribution.


## S3 method for class 'fpt.density'
plot(x, from.t0, to.T, dp.legend = TRUE, dp.legend.cex = 1,  
     ylab = TRUE, growth.points = FALSE, instants = FALSE, ...)



an object of class “fpt.density”, a result of a call to Approx.cfpt.density or Approx.fpt.density functions.


a logical value indicating whether the approximation should be plotted from the lower end of the interval considered, t0t_0, specified in the x object.


a logical value indicating whether the approximation should be plotted to the upper end of the interval considered, TT, specified in the x object.


logical. If TRUE, adds a legend to the plot for identifying the diffusion process and boundary.


the magnification to be used for legend relative to the current setting of cex.


logical. If TRUE, adds a title for the y axis.


logical. If TRUE, for a conditioned f.p.t. problem adds one or more vertical lines and labels to the plot of the approximate density function in order to identify the time instants from which the FPTL function starts growing.


logical. If TRUE, for a conditioned f.p.t. problem adds vertical lines and labels to the plot of the approximate density function in order to identify the other points of interest provided by the FPTL function.


graphical parameters to set before generating the plot, see par.


If from.t0 or to.T arguments are missing the function considers the corresponding arguments used in the call to Approx.cfpt.density or Approx.fpt.density functions, which in turn generated the x object.

If the approximate density functions were calculated from the lower end of the interval considered and from.t0 = FALSE, the approximate density functions should be plotted from the lower endlimit of the first subinterval in the attribute Steps of the x object.

If the approximate density functions were calculated to the upper end of the interval considered and to.T = FALSE, the approximate density functions should be plotted to the upper endlimit of last subinterval in the attribute Steps of the x object.

If dp.legend = TRUE, a legend is placed in the top inside of each plot frame.

Additional graphical arguments as cex, lwd and ps can be specified.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz


P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2012) An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2014) More general problems on first-passage times for diffusion processes: A new version of the fptdApprox R package. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244, 432–446.

See Also

FPTL to know more about the FPTL function and objects of class “fptl”.

summary.fptl to extract the information contained in objects of class “fptl” and create objects of class “summary.fptl”.

Approx.cfpt.density to approximate the f.p.t. density from objects of class “summary.fptl” and create objects of class “fpt.density”.

Approx.fpt.density to approximate the f.p.t. density from objects of class “dp” and create objects of class “fpt.density”.


## Continuing the Approx.cfpt.density(.) example:
plot(yyy, from.t0 = TRUE)
plot(yyy, growth.points = TRUE)
plot(yyy, growth.points = TRUE, instants = TRUE)
plot(yyy, dp.legend = FALSE, growth.points = TRUE, instants = TRUE)
plot(yyy, cex = 1.25, cex.main = 1.15)
plot(yyy, cex = 1.25, cex.main = 1.15, dp.legend.cex = 0.8, growth.points = TRUE, instants = TRUE)

## Continuing the Approx.fpt.density example:
## Not run: 
## End(Not run)

Plotting Method for fptl Objects


This function creates a plot of the First-Passage-Time Location (FPTL) function for a first-passage-time problem, displaying the information of interest contained in an object of class “fptl” and a corresponding object of class “summary.fptl”.


## S3 method for class 'fptl'
plot(x, sfptl, from.t0 = TRUE, to.T = TRUE, dp.legend = TRUE,  
     dp.legend.cex = 1, ylab = TRUE, growth.points = TRUE, 
     instants = TRUE, ...)



an object of class “fptl”, a result of a call to FPTL.


an object of class “summary.fptl”, a result of applying the summary method to the x object.


a logical value indicating whether the FPTL function should be plotted from the lower end of the interval considered, t0t_0, specified in the x object.


a logical value indicating whether the approximation should be plotted to the upper end of the interval considered, TT, specified in the x object.


logical. If TRUE, adds a legend to the plot in order to identify the diffusion process and boundary used in the call to FPTL function which in turn generated the x object.


the magnification to be used for legend relative to the current setting of cex.


logical. If TRUE, adds a title for the y axis.


logical. If TRUE, adds one or more vertical lines and labels to the plot in order to identify the time instants from which the FPTL function starts growing.


logical. If TRUE, draws and identify the other points of interest provided by the FPTL function.


graphical parameters to set before generating the plot, see par.


If the sfptl object is missing, the function makes an internal call to the summary.fptl function in order to identify the points of interest provided by the FPTL function.

If the FPTL function shows at least a local maximum and from.t0 = FALSE, the FPTL function should be plotted from the first time instant from which the function starts growing.

If the FPTL function shows at least a local maximum and to.T = FALSE, the FPTL function should be plotted to the tmax,m+t_{max,m}^{+} value related to the last local maximum tmax,mt_{max,m} if the function does not decrease subsequently, or to the local minimum following the last local maximum tmax,mt_{max,m} if the function decreases subsequently.

If dp.legend = TRUE, a legend is placed in the top inside of the plot frame.

Additional graphical arguments as cex, lwd and ps can be specified.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.


P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2012) An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

See Also

FPTL to know more about the FPTL function and objects of class “fptl”.

summary.fptl for extract the information of interest in an object of class “fptl”.


## Continuing the FPTL(.) example:

plot(y, cex.main = 1.4, growth.points = FALSE)
plot(y, cex.main = 1.4, growth.points = FALSE, instants = FALSE)
plot(y, cex.main = 1.4, dp.legend = FALSE, growth.points = FALSE, instants = FALSE)
plot(y, cex = 1.25, cex.main = 1.25)
plot(y, cex = 1.25, cex.main = 1.25, dp.legend.cex = 0.8)

plot(z, from.t0 = FALSE)
plot(z, to.T = FALSE)
plot(z, from.t0 = FALSE, to.T = FALSE)

Printing First-Passage-Time Densities


print.fpt.density shows an object of class “fpt.density”.


## S3 method for class 'fpt.density'
print(x, ...)



an object of class “fpt.density”.


further arguments passed to print and format methods.


Since the length of components of an object of class “fpt.density” is usually large, the print.fpt.density function does not display such object as a list, but in its ‘basic’ structure instead. However, each component can be displayed separately in the usual way.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.


P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2012) An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2014) More general problems on first-passage times for diffusion processes: A new version of the fptdApprox R package. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244, 432–446.


## Continuing the Approx.cfpt.density example:
print(yyy, digits=10)

## Continuing the Approx.fpt.density example:
## Not run: 
## End(Not run)

Writing a Report of an Object


report is a function used to generate a report of the results of various statistical methods. The function invokes particular ‘methods’ which depend on the ‘class’ of the first argument.


report(obj, ...)



an object for which a report is desired.


additional arguments affecting the report generated.


The functions report.summary.fptl and report.fpt.density are examples of particular methods which report objects of class “summary.fptl” and “fpt.density”.


The form of the value returned by report depends on the class of its argument.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.

See Also



Writing a Report of a fpt.density Object


A report is generated with the information contained in an object of class “fpt.density”.


## S3 method for class 'fpt.density'
report(obj, report.sfptl = FALSE, tex = FALSE, digits = 8, ...)



an object of class “fpt.density”, a result of a call to Approx.cfpt.density or Approx.fpt.density functions.


logical. If TRUE, also writes a report with the information contained in the object of class “summary.fptl” from which the obj object was created.


logical, specifies whether to generate formatted LaTeX output (TRUE) or plain text file (FALSE).


integer indicating the significant digits to be used.


additional arguments potentially passed (currently none is considered).


The resulting report can be recicled by copy-and-pasting into a document (if tex = FALSE) or directly included into a LaTeX file (if tex = TRUE).


Send the report to the command windows.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.


P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2012) An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2014) More general problems on first-passage times for diffusion processes: A new version of the fptdApprox R package. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244, 432–446.

See Also

Approx.cfpt.density to approximate the f.p.t. density from objects of class “summary.fptl” and to create objects of class “fpt.density”.

Approx.fpt.density to approximate the f.p.t. density from objects of class “dp” and to create objects of class “fpt.density”.

is.fpt.density to test whether an object is an object of class “fpt.density”.


## Continuing the Approx.cfpt.density(.) example:
report(yyy, digits = 4)
report(yyy, report.sfptl = TRUE, digits = 4)
report(yyy, tex = TRUE, digits = 4)
report(yyy, report.sfptl = TRUE, tex = TRUE, digits = 4)

## Continuing the Approx.fpt.density(.) example:
## Not run: 
## End(Not run)

Writing a Report of a summary.fptl Object


A report is generated with the information contained in an object of class “summary.fptl”.


## S3 method for class 'summary.fptl'
report(obj, tex = FALSE, digits = 8, heading = TRUE, ...)



an object of class “summary.fptl”, a result of a call to summary.fptl function or the attribute summary.fptl of the value (of class “fpt.density”) of the Approx.fpt.density function (created through one or several successive internal calls to the summary.fptl function).


logical, specifies whether to generate formatted LaTeX output (TRUE) or plain text file (FALSE).


integer indicating the significant digits to be used.


logical, specifies whether to include information about the diffusion process and the boundary (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


additional arguments potentially passed (currently none is considered).


The resulting report can be recicled by copy-and-pasting into a document (if tex = FALSE) or directly included into a LaTeX file (if tex = TRUE).


Send the report to the command windows.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.


P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2012) An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2014) More general problems on first-passage times for diffusion processes: A new version of the fptdApprox R package. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244, 432–446.

See Also

summary.fptl to create objects of class “summary.fptl” from objects of class “fptl”.

Approx.fpt.density to create objects of class “fpt.density” with the attribute summary.fptl of class “summary.fptl”

is.summary.fptl to test whether an object is of class “summary.fptl”.


## Continuing the summary.fptl(.) example:

report(yy, digits = 4)
report(yy, tex = TRUE, digits = 4)

report(zz, tex = TRUE)

Locating a Conditioned First-Passage-Time Variable


summary.fptl summary method for class “fptl”.

is.summary.fptl tests if its argument is an object of class “summary.fptl”.

print.summary.fptl shows an object of class “summary.fptl”.


## S3 method for class 'fptl'
summary(object, zeroSlope = 0.01, p0.tol = 8, k = 3, ...)


## S3 method for class 'summary.fptl'
print(x, ...)



an object of class ‘fptl’, a result of a call to FPTL.


an R object to be tested.


an object of class ‘summary.fptl’, a result of a call to summary.fptl.


maximum slope required to consider that a growing function is constant.


controls where the First-Passage-Time Location function begins to increase significantly.


controls whether the First-Passage-Time Location function decreases very slowly.


other arguments passed to functions.


The summary.fptl function extracts the information contained in object about the location of the variation range of a conditioned first-passage-time (f.p.t.) variable.

It makes an internal call to growth.intervals function in order to determine the time instants ti, i=1,,mt_i, \ i=1, \ldots, m, from which the First-Passage-Time Location (FPTL) function starts growing, and its local maximums tmax,it_{max,i}. For this, zeroSlope argument is considered.

If there is no growth subinterval, the execution of the function summary.fptl is stopped and an error is reported. Otherwise, for each of the subintervals Ii=[ti,ti+1]I_{i} = [t_{i},t_{i+1}] the function determines:

  • The first time instant ti[ti,tmax,i]t_i^* \in [t_i, t_{max,i}] at which the function is bigger than or equal to

    pi=pi+10p0.tol(pmax,ipi) ,p_i^* = p_i + 10^{-p0.tol}(p_{max,i} - p_i) \ ,

    where pi=FPTL(ti)p_i = FPTL(t_i) and pmax,i=FPTL(tmax,i) .p_{max,i} = FPTL(t_{max,i}) \ .

    10p0.tol10^{-p0.tol} is the ratio of the global increase of the function in the growth subinterval [ti,tmax,i][t_i, t_{max,i}] that should be reached to consider that it begins to increase significantly.

  • The first time instant tmax,i[ti,tmax,i]t_{max,i}^{-} \in [t_i, t_{max,i}] at which the FPTL function is bigger than or equal to

    pmax,i=pmax,i(10.05(pmax,ipi)) .p_{max,i}^{-} = p_{max,i} \big( 1 - 0.05(p_{max,i} - p_i) \big) \ .

  • The last time instant tmax,i+[tmax,i,Ti]t_{max,i}^{+} \in \big[ t_{max,i}, \thinspace T_i \big] at which the FPTL function is bigger than or equal to

    pmax,i+=max{1(1pmax,i2)(1+q)/2,FPTL(Ti)},p_{max,i}^{+} = max \left\{ 1 - (1 - p_{max,i}^2)^{(1+q)/2}, FPTL(T_i) \right\},


    Ti=min{tmax,i+k(tmax,iti)(1pmax,i),ti+1}T_i = min \big\{ t_{max,i} + k \thinspace (t_{max,i}-t_i^*)(1 - p_{max,i}), \thinspace t_{i+1} \big\}


    q=pmax,ipipmax,i .q = \displaystyle{\frac{p_{max,i} - p_i}{p_{max,i}}} \ .

print.summary.fptl displays an object of class “summary.fptl” for immediate understanding of the information it contains.


The summary.fptl function computes and returns an object of class “summary.fptl” and length 1.

An object of class “summary.fptl” is a list of length 1 for a conditioned f.p.t problem, or of the same length as the number of values selected from the non-degenerate initial distribution for an unconditioned f.p.t problem. Each component of the list is again a named list with two components:


a matrix whose columns correspond to tit_i, tit_i^*, tmax,it_{max,i}^{-}, tmax,it_{max,i}and tmax,i+t_{max,i}^{+} values for each conditioned f.p.t problem.


the matrix of values of the FPTL function on instants.

It also includes four additional attributes:

Call a list of the unevaluated calls to the summary.fptl function, substituting each name
in these calls by its value when the latter has length 1.
FPTLCall a list of the unevaluated calls to the FPTL function that resulted in the objects
used as object argument in Call.
dp the common object used as dp argument in the unevaluated calls to the FPTL
function in FPTLCall.
vars NULL or a list containing the common values of names in FPTLCall for those names
with values of length greater than 1.

For an unconditioned f.p.t problem, the object includes the additional attribute id specifying the non-degenerate initial distribution.

The attribute “summary.fptl” of the value (of class “fpt.density”) of the Approx.fpt.density function is an object of class summary.fptl of length 1 for a conditioned problem, and of length greather than 1 for an unconditioned problem. It is created from one or successive internal calls to the summary.fptl function.

is.summary.fptl returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether its argument is an object of class “summary.fptl” or not.


Patricia Román-Román, Juan J. Serrano-Pérez and Francisco Torres-Ruiz.


Román, P., Serrano, J. J., Torres, F. (2008) First-passage-time location function: Application to determine first-passage-time densities in diffusion processes. Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 52, 4132–4146.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2012) An R package for an efficient approximation of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes based on the FPTL function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218, 8408–8428.

P. Román-Román, J.J. Serrano-Pérez, F. Torres-Ruiz. (2014) More general problems on first-passage times for diffusion processes: A new version of the fptdApprox R package. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244, 432–446.

See Also

Approx.cfpt.density to approximate densities of f.p.t. variables conditioned to a fixed initial value from objects of class “summary.fptl” and create objects of class “fpt.density”.

Approx.fpt.density to approximate densities of conditioned or unconditioned f.p.t. variables and create objects of class “fpt.density” from objects of class “dp”.

FPTL to evaluate the FPTL function and create objects of class “fptl”.

report.summary.fptl to generate a report.

growth.intervals to study the growth of the vector of values resulting from the evaluation of a function.


## Continuing the FPTL(.) example:

## Summarizing an object of class fptl
yy <- summary(y)
print(yy, digits=10)
yy1 <- summary(y, zeroSlope = 0.001)
yy2 <- summary(y, zeroSlope = 0.001, p0.tol = 10)

zz <- summary(z)

## Testing summary.fptl objects